IT also requires one to have the resources of Gmail to implement... Where they care about every change that occurs.. The security implications of the ability to 'change' alone should make you shudder.

Every MTA would then have to apply security in a whole new way..

Imagine malware that changes links one letter at a time, your previously vetted email now has a link to a malware domain.

It's a slippery slope, and as pointed out there are other ways to make dynamic content available, mail is meant to be static..


On 2022-08-11 16:06, Ángel via mailop wrote:
On 2022-08-11 at 10:55 +0000, Gellner, Oliver wrote:
In other MUAs they display like normal emails, Id expect that Googles
dynamic emails behave the same way.

They seem to be a text/x-amp-html, and require a text/html or
text/plain fallback, so other clients would simply use the fallback.
At least the design seems robust, enforcing that this new standard is s
trictly followed.

Like Tobias, I also found about them really recently. I am not really
convinced about them so far. Not the way Google implemented them, but
the underlying concept.
I understand why an email that is kept up-to-date can be thought to
make sense in some cases, but a "dynamic email" breaks the concept of
an email that we have been using for the last fifty years.

An email archive used to be similar to an archived physical letter in
that it is immutable. You could go back and read the same content you
viewed a few days ago. With this, you could find it now contains
something different. Even two people receiving the same email could get
shown different content.

This was already possible to some extent by using external images, but
only as a subproduct.

This attempt is a big change on the basics of email, and only time will
tell us if it changes things radically, or ends up discarded.


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