Hi Jarland,
As I mentioned before, I'm not a fan of cold email in general and specifically 
mass cold email.

I'm also not a representative of any company supporting cold email.

But to be fair, I have to say that as far as I'm concerned, users of Woodpecker 
are not able to do the old "spray and pray" technique - as Woodpecker imposes 
some limits.

Folks there, as I've heard and seen, are trying their best to educate their 
users to go for quality not quantity.

- starts with very good, manual prospecting,

- creating templates of messages, but...
- manually crafting big blocks of messages per recipient, so it is really 

I've learned from them that they want to provide SMBs with a tool that will 
automate some repetitive tasks so that they can focus on their relationships.

I think that mass spamming is not happening via cold-email tools.

Anyways, don't want to be devil's advocate here, just wanted to share my 

Kind Regards


____________________________________ ______ ___ ___ ___

*Radoslaw Kaczynski*

CEO of Bouncer
usebouncer.com ( https://www.usebouncer.com/ )
ul. Cypriana Kamila Norwida 24/1
50-374 Wrocław, Poland
💙 Become Bouncer’s Ambassador ( 
https://bouncer.partnerstack.com/?group=ambassadors )

On Sun, Sep 04, 2022 at 01:13:27, Jarland Donnell < mailop@mailop.org > wrote:

> I think it's fair to say that there is "some" room for nuance on cold
> email, but the reason I don't allow it on my platform and I actively work
> to block companies that do, is simply this:
> There is absolutely no one out there looking for help to send a cold email
> that isn't sending spam.
> I mean if I see you and what you do and I think "We could really do
> something good together" I write you a personalized email, by hand, asking
> if you'd like to do business together. Is that spam? Of course not. But
> then there's what actually happens when someone needs help from a cold
> email company:
> I collect a list of email addresses at companies that match a specific
> filter/business type, run a script to replace a variable with their name,
> and then blast out 4,000 duplicate emails with the old "spray and pray"
> technique. It's a numbers game, I don't care if you don't get back to me
> because I don't even know who you are. You were just part of a scraped
> list.
> While the single, hand-typed cold email is fine, the automated cold email
> blast is spam. By merely saying "we want to help you send cold email"
> you're only focusing on the latter. Because when you're personally
> hand-writing a message to someone that you want to do business with, you
> don't need a service to help you do it.
> On 2022-09-03 17:43, Radek Kaczynski via mailop wrote:
>> Good evening,
>> I feel like I need to come clean on the Bouncer - Woodpecker association
>> and my perspective on cold email.
>> (But please let me know if my responses are not welcome - I feel here like
>> a guest, and I don’t want to abuse your hospitality)
>> Long story short - when working for Mack Trucks, we had issues when an
>> email address was passed over the counter at the dealerships. Many typos
>> were affecting not only the continuity of communication but also master
>> data management and further processes down the road. At the same time, I
>> was going through a divorce and decided to move back from the U.S. to
>> Poland.
>> When I told my friend (CEO of Woodpecker) about it, he motivated me and
>> helped me to take a big step - quitting my corporate job and starting
>> Bouncer.
>> So I’m not directly associated with Woodpecker, but indeed there is some
>> connection between Bouncer and Woodpecker:
>> - Woodpecker’s CEO is my close friend from high school,
>> - He helped me establish Bouncer, when I decided to come back from the
>> U.S. to Poland,
>> - Some Woodpecker’s shareholders are also Bouncer’s shareholders,
>> - Woodpecker is one of Bouncer’s customers,
>> - We initially had offices in the same building.
>> If it comes to the cold email… I think it’s not that black&white…
>> I personally am not a fan of cold email, and sometimes do get irritated by
>> the spammy one.
>> But I also see it sometimes as an equalizer - giving the same chances when
>> competing with global enterprises.
>> This way, small businesses can reach out to potentially interested
>> customers - which is very costly and very difficult in other communication
>> channels.
>> Small businesses can’t usually afford sophisticated marketing funnels
>> (full of Ads, LeadMagnets, Remarketing to get opt-in, and then sharing the
>> contact in the network of affiliates). In a cold email, you don’t have to
>> have huge budgets only because your big competitors can afford high
>> Customer Acquisition Costs.
>> But RESPECTFUL cold email is complicated and thus rare to see. Cause
>> respectful cold email is about:
>> - excellent prospecting- identifying those recipients that with a high
>> probability would like to see one offer
>> - well crafted and personalized copy (and by personalized, I don’t mean
>> “Hello {first_name},”)
>> - not intrusive and respectful sequence.
>> Kind Regards
>> Radek
>> P.S.
>> Bill, if I can be honest - it did hurt me when you wished me starving on
>> the street.
>> Especially as I do my best to be a decent human being. Additionally, as a
>> fresh father, I would hate for my baby daughter to experience hunger
>> because of my poor business decisions. I do understand your frustration
>> with what our services do, and I’m sorry it causes hard feelings, but I
>> hope it was just a rhetorical figure.
>> P.P.S.
>> If any of you would like to get a full list of our IP addresses and
>> domains so that you can block Bouncer’s requests - please feel free to
>> email me at radek@ usebouncer. com ( ra...@usebouncer.com ).
>> ________________________________
>> Radoslaw Kaczynski | CEO of Bouncer
>> ul. Cypriana Kamila Norwida 24/1
>> 50-374 Wrocław, Poland
>>> Date: Fri , 02 Sep 2022 16:13:24 -0400
>>> From: Bill Cole < mailop-20160228@ billmail. scconsult. com (
>>> mailop-20160...@billmail.scconsult.com ) > To: "Larry M. Smith via mailop"
>>> < mailop@ mailop. org ( mailop@mailop.org ) > Subject: Re: [mailop] SMTP
>>> noise from *. bouncer. cloud ( http://*.bouncer.cloud/ ) Message-ID:
>>> <e2f16089-7098-4c69-8492-7ca158268...@billmail.scconsult.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>>> On 2022-09-02 at 14:16:25 UTC-0400 ( Fri , 2 Sep 2022 18:16:25 +0000) Larry
>>> M. Smith via mailop < mailop. org@ fahq2. com ( mailop....@fahq2.com ) > is
>>> rumored to have said:
>>> On 8/31/2022, Bill Cole via mailop wrote:
>>> (snip)
>>> Who/what/where their clients are, and for what purpose of course, is
>>> not likely something we will find out unless they like to share more, but
>>> we can continue discussing this in terms of all the operators out there,
>>> and what constitutes the good vs the ugly.
>>> Their intended service is the problem.
>> Also at the same address physical address;
>> https:/ / woodpecker. co/ ( https://woodpecker.co/ )
>> It's as if they live in a different reality... Where 'cold email' is not
>> intrinsically problematic.
>> The name only makes it worse.
>> --
>> Bill Cole
>> bill@ scconsult. com ( b...@scconsult.com ) or billcole@ apache. org (
>> billc...@apache.org )
>> (AKA @grumpybozo and many *@ billmail. scconsult. com (
>> *@billmail.scconsult.com ) addresses) Not Currently Available For Hire
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>> mailop@mailop.org
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