Le Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 08:57:26AM -0400, Jim Popovitch via mailop 
[mailop@mailop.org] a écrit:
> On Mon, 2022-09-12 at 19:02 +0800, Henrik Pang via mailop wrote:
> > why bother to self host an email? using gmail/gsuite save a lot of
> > time.
> Why make a home cooked meal when you can buy the same processed meal
> that everyone else buys?   Why make your kids custom toys, just buy them
> the same toys all their friends have.   Life should be about variety,
> not alignment.
> Self hosted email is not hard, it's just not super easy.

Self hosted email is not that hard.

What's not easy is sending emails, that don't trigger their blackbox
antispam tools, to users of the big players that are Gmail, Outlook.com
and such.

Dominique Rousseau 
Neuronnexion, Prestataire Internet & Intranet
6 rue des Hautes cornes - 80000 Amiens
tel: 03 22 71 61 90 - fax: 03 22 71 61 99 - http://www.neuronnexion.coop
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