On 9/14/22 3:16 PM, Matthias Leisi via mailop wrote:
Yes, Exchange is awfully poor in how it handles this and how you have to manage it. (And GSuite is not really better. And Apple has a lot to catch up to.) Overall, the state of affairs is truly awful. It’s so awful that even I have to admit that Microsoft is doing it better than anybody else and that you should definitely migrate your collaboration to Microsoft.

Maybe I'm too old. I remember when there were two other big players in the space that were on par with Microsoft Outlook / Exchange:

 - Novell GroupWise
 - Lotus Notes / Domino

Group ware / collaboration systems are a different beast and other things only do parts of what groupware does.

Think about the difference between your word processor, your spreadsheet, and your database programs not interacting with each other and compare that to Microsoft Office wherein Word, Excel, and Access all integrate with each and build on each other. This is why individual components that of groupware systems don't work as well with each other as the homogeneously integrated vertical market suite does.

Sure, you can /make/ individual components play well with each other. But you will be expending effort to make that happen. Or you can spend more fiat currency than you want to in order to buy into said homogeneously integrated vertical market suite.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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