(Excuse the footnotes; But there is a lot of tangential stuff worth mentioning, 
but not necessarily core to the thread.)

Let me weigh in here and provide some context as Tijay listed me as a 
collaborator, and he seems to be a bit delayed in replies. Tijay is a Professor 
at VT, and works on a variety of topics at the intersection of security and 
measurement. This means that he usually supervises students in pursuit of their 

One of the areas a PhD student currently works on is SPF. This started with 
them prodding around and finding that a) The _defined_ limits for SPF lookups 
seem to be impractical (using Bulk ESPs, Salesforce here, marketing there,... 
lots of includes), and b) Some SPF implementations are really not good at 
dealing with _very_ deep SPF trees.

This is, for better or worse, how ideas for research papers usually come 
together in this specific field of research**.

So, what is this research about now: The group found that odd behavior, and 
what you usually do then first is do some measurements. That didn't go to well, 
and shut off a couple of mailserver***, and they are currently working really 
hard at getting that measurement setup robust and in line; I am helping there a 
bit, as we built a similar setup for our mail-delivery scans (even though that 
does no potentially intrusive things, which makes stuff a lot easier in terms 
of consent etc.).

Anyway, apart from that, to get a scientific**** exploration of the topic, the 
question also is _why_ did this problem occur in the first place. Hence, there 
is now a survey which asks people (broadly) a) how they are implementing 
SPF/DMARC/TLS-RPT in their setup (software, limits), b) demographics about 
their setup [number of users, domains etc.], and whether they are aware of the 
(TBH, obviously outdated) limits from the standards. The survey does not 
contain mandatory fields, and tells people what to expect and that they can 
quit at any time, and can of course also have their incomplete replies (or 
complete replies if they change their mind later on!) deleted.***** I think 
Laura also explained _very_ well why this is not 'human subject research'; I 
still see the issue there in terms of the IRB terminology (which is often even 
prescribed in that unhandy way; And IRBs also usually have 'limited experience 
and knowledge' when it comes to 'Internet things', especially network 
measurements; But for that, see **.)

For the survey and measurements combined, the idea is to then have empirical 
data on how things are implemented (network measurements, even though there is 
ongoing debate on how usable those earlier measurements are in a scientific 
sense), _why_ they are implemented that way (technical level; part about tools 
and implementations in the survey), and _if_ and _how_ best practices/RFCs 
should be amended to capture the actual needs of the email ecosystem (second 
part of the survey). That together then can form a publication on the observed 
challenges in SPF/DMARC reporting.

As such, the survey is for everyone involved in Email; There is no harm to [the 
research], if you are not sure if the survey is for you and you agree to 
participate, go through the survey and see if you'd be able to provide 
meaningful input on the questions.

If there are further questions, or you want to further discuss individual 
points, please let me know.

With best regards,

* This is also the reason why I'd argue that it might be somewhat good if the 
communication style with researchers tries to keep in mind that, in the end, 
there is a human on the other side. People tend to make rather strong and 
frustratedly sounding statements from time to time, but these might be 
ultimately read by a PhD student, i.e., a very junior person. A bit of kindness 
can go a long way in communication, and for me personally is also an important 
point of being an engineer.

** We can have an awful lot of discussions about this, and there is a lot going 
on; Besides the obvious 'is it good or not' and 'is this really science?', we 
essentially deal with 'science' with all its incentives (publish or perish); 
This means trying to do research on Internet protocols that have been around 
for longer than the combined age of the PI and PhD in many cases; PhDs fall out 
of their masters before getting into such a topic, and then essentially have a 
year to know all the ins and out of a protocol that grew over the past 40 
years... because after the first year they _should_ basically have their first 
paper under submission. Certainly people that haven't run their own 
mailserver/authNSes for more than a decade. Yes, recipe for disaster.

Currently, I am actually looking into building an 'AS for Measurement 
Research', especially 'higher level protocols' (mail, DNS,... ) that is open to 
researchers; That should a) have its own ASN, /47, /23, and delegated zones, so 
people can _really_ easily block/filter it, b) Maintain a global opt-out list 
across experiments, c) Have an 'Internet measurement ethics board' that vets 
experiments before they are run, so that they are checked for possible harm and 
correctness of implementation, and d) Have somewhat experienced people run 24/7 
abuse, so _when_ things go wrong, stuff is mitigated quickly. Hence, it would 
make measurement more accessible (not all [smaller] universities have the 
infrastructure in place to do proper active measurements), while also having 
mechanics in place to make sure 'opsies' due to inexperience (which, tbh, quiet 
commonly come out of the science bobble [I am also part of]) do not have as 
much impact. But I am currently stuck at 'getting a /23', which is surprisingly 
difficult without $30k to blow... so if one of you has some spare v4, I 
wouldn't say no. ;-)
*** There were a lot of unkind words around that here; Then again, it is 
probably the same voices that are also quick to proclaim that it is your own 
fault if you system breaks due to your inexperience (RTFM etc.)... and well, 
there is a lot of noise on the net, and my own stuff was hit by something 
similar recently [0]; So... bigger discussion again, I'd argue.

**** Again, what is 'the science of security' may very well be the most debated 
topic in that scientific community. Happy to discuss that if we cross paths at 
RIPE/NANOG/IETF or sth. somewhen.

***** I mean, how else should you take consent? You can decide at every step of 
the process. If the questions were presented along with the consent request, 
they would be presented without collecting consent to present the questions, 
which kind of defeats the point of consent in the first place.


-----Original Message-----
From: mailop <mailop-boun...@mailop.org> On Behalf Of Alessandro Vesely via 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 November 2022 12:17
To: mailop@mailop.org
Cc: ti...@vt.edu
Subject: Re: [mailop] SPF (and other email security protocols) Survey

On Tue 22/Nov/2022 16:41:44 +0100 Todd Herr via mailop wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 2:00 PM Taejoong (tijay) Chung via mailop wrote:
>> The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an easy way to check whether the 
>> sender is authorized to send emails – however, it may cause some 
>> security holes if it causes too many DNS lookups.
>> Together with researchers from Virginia Tech and Max-Planck-Institut 
>> für Informatik, we would like to understand which challenges 
>> operators face when configuring the proper limit of DNS queries for 
>> SPF lookups and when deploying other email security protocols.
> I'm not quite sure I understand the premise behind the survey, and 
> since I don't manage email for any domain, I can't realistically take 
> part in the survey to learn the premise, so I'll try here.
> The proper limit of DNS queries for SPF lookups is ten, per RFC 7208, 
> and
> *should* be baked into any code library used by an operator that is 
> doing SPF validation on inbound mail, so I don't see them facing challenges 
> here.

On my MTA the (default) limit is 20.  That looks consistent with Postel's 

> On the other hand, staying under the limit of ten for domains publishing
> SPF records can be quite a challenge for complex organizations using
> multiple services to send their email, and while there are known ways to
> skin that cat, there isn't a universally adopted method for doing so.
> Is the survey investigating problems faced by operators doing SPF
> validation or operators publishing SPF records or both?

While we wait for Tijay's reply, let me anticipate that he works on a 
"DNSSECFixer" project, which leverages machine learning techniques to 
automatically fix incorrectly configured and insecure domains.[*]

As one of the few who took part in the survey, my guess is that it aims at a 
bird's eye view of email operators' involvement in the configuration of 
security features available in SMTP servers.  Correct?

As the survey asks for the domain name where such features are configured, I 
understand that that might sound as intelligence gathering for a targeted 
attack.  However, I don't reckon the survey collects any sensitive data.


[*] https://cs.vt.edu/research/research-areas/security.html

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