On 2023-01-09 11:19, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
> No, SMS is not like VoIP. People in the phone biz tell me it is
> extremely hard to fake the source number in SMS. Look at any of the
> SMS gateway APIs and they all make you jump through hoops verifying
> the source number before they let you send anything.

> the cybersecurity guys told me multiple times that there are a lot of
> "shady" SMS gateways on the Internet that let you easily spoof the
> senders number, or even put any text (like "Google") instead of the
> senders number. They even demonstrated this to me a few times.

The sender name of a text message can be set/faked similar to the From header 
of an email. Companies use this possibility all the time so that their text 
messages for example show the company name as sender instead of a phone number.
The major difference to emails is that mobile phones usually give you no way to 
see any metadata of text messages and to verify whether the displayed sender is 
genuine or not - short of asking the sender.

BR Oliver

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