In defense of Google on that, Christine works for Shopify. Shopify is a huge spam outlet. If you want to flood someone's inbox with junk, find thousands of shopify sites and sign them up for their newsletters. Zero double opt in procedures, and if you happen to get a response to abuse complaints their response is roughly equivalent to "Deal with it."

Shopify doesn't deserve deliverability.

On 2023-02-24 18:19, Bill Cole via mailop wrote:
On 2023-02-24 at 16:09:26 UTC-0500 (Fri, 24 Feb 2023 21:09:26 +0000)
Simon Greenwood via mailop <>
is rumored to have said:

This (which I didn't know) adds a whole different aspect to the issue - much has been said about how email is now centralised and is almost impractical to run as a small operator level, but if a company like Shopify and indeed Sendgrid can't assure mail delivery because the largest mail operators will reject mail sporadically based on non-specific criteria, and more that someone in Christine's position doesn't have someone they can call at Google or Microsoft or wherever, then there's a bigger problem.

Sendgrid can't deliver mail because they are grossly incompetent at avoiding spammers as customers.

But yes, it is a HUGE problem that the largest mailbox providers have essentially no support for senders except for various inaccurate "knowledge bases" and systems like SNDS and JMRP that don't work as advertised. (At least Google doesn't pretend that they want to help...) The fact that Christine Borgia has to put out a public SOS here to get random bits of advice on deliverability to Google is an indictment of what has become of email. It is clearly no longer possible to know how to do email well.
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