Dnia 24.02.2023 o godz. 09:51:02 Mark Milhollan via mailop pisze:
> Did you read the link?  Does your ESP have a postmaster account?  If
> they don't send enough messages ("a large volume") to Gmail they
> won't provide any information about reputation, except that that
> itself indicates that you haven't (and can't) collect enough
> reputation to be other than low aka poor.

Which is nonsense. If someone sends too low volume of messages to calculate
reputation, their reputation is "unknown" which BY NO MEANS SHOULD MEAN the
same as "low/poor". Unknown is unknown, you cannot assume a known value for
something that is unknown.

And mails from sources of unknown reputation should be accepted until enough
mail is collected to actually determine reputation. If *then* it turns out
to be "low/poor", then Gmail may stop accepting mail.

Otherwise, nobody *new* would be ever able to *start* sending mail to Gmail,
because everybody starts as unknown.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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