> It's in RFC 9091 and in the DMARC update currently in draft form at
> the IETF.  The intention was always that you could put private
> clauses in DMARC records which get ignored by clients that don't
> understand them, but the ABNF was overly clever.  That's fixed in the
> new draft too.

Hrm, digging through this; dmarcbis-27 now; Indeed there are some
interesting changes; Implementing this will take some time. Also, given
key differences in record parsing (esp. the MUST in -27 2nd to last
par. of 5.3, vs. SHOULD same place in 6.3 of 7489) might have
interesting implications re: behavior in real world systems, esp. when
looking at the long tail of 'mail-in-a-docker-ish' setups glued
together with curl | sudo bash.

I guess what i will do (with a bit more time) is actually implement
both interpretations to policy parsing (7489 as written, not as
intended vs. dmarcbis-27) with scoring being at one-passing-is-enough.

John: Btw, what I am wondering; Given the last par of 6.3 in 7489,
shouldn't dmarcbis switch to DMARC2, given that there are changes to
existing tags (REQUIRED -> RECOMMENDED for p, removal of pct, rf, and
ri), or does that not constitute a change? (Quick thought; Pretty sure
there is a mail-thread on the list, though; Will dig through that

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