> Thanks for this.  I tried it a few days ago (I think because you 
> posted it to opensmtpd-misc? :-) 
Yeah, also shared it there, hoping for more motivation to implement
DANE/MTA-STS in OpenSMTPd. Next escalation step is releasing code i
wrote for other projects and threatening to send patches. ;-P

> and without doing anything my ‘score’ went from 7 to 8 since I last
> checked!  At this rate I expect a 10 by Friday.
Unlikely ;-) But i got more lenient with DKIM headers, which might have
improved your score.

> Is DNSSEC-signing PTR records common?  Will it affect delivery in 
> practice?
I doubt that it affects deliverability in any way (if, at all,
negatively, if DNSSEC breaks... which... well.) The test mostly works
from a 'perfect world' perspective, and there, of course, everything
DNS would be DNSSEC signed. ;-)

> One confusing UI thing: under ‘DMARC’, the ‘(default)’ is either 
> in error or its meaning unclear:
>   adkim     s (default)    (plain-text; OPTIONAL; default is "r".) 
>   …
>   aspf      s (default)    (plain-text; OPTIONAL; default is "r".) 
>   …
>   fo        1 (default)    … (plain-text; OPTIONAL; default is 
>   "0").

Thanks for catching that; Found and fixed. :-) Pushing when i am
through all the feedback.

With best regards,
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