Dnia 14.04.2023 o godz. 14:11:49 Slavko via mailop pisze:
> In other words, SPF check is not something what helps with SPAM
> here, seems that spammers adapted to it...

As far as I know, SPF was never meant as an anti-spam measure.
SPF protects against *impersonation*, ie. someone else sending mail as your
But majority of spam is not connected with impersonation. Spammers send mail
from their own domains, or from ad-hoc created accounts on publicly
available mail services like Gmail. They don't use fake addresses at someone
else's domain.
There was some visible percentage of spams that used such fake addresses
about 10 or more years ago, and this probably vanished since introduction of
SPF - but this was never a significant percentage.
Impersonation is more often used in malware attacks (eg. phishing) than in
spam. But there are other methods to detect and prevent malware.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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