Dnia  6.05.2023 o godz. 18:44:26 Christian Seitz via mailop pisze:
> If I am not wrong a DNS zone can only have a single SOA record.
> Yahoo requests an SOA record per subdomain. That does not make any
> sense to me. We would have to create one DNS zone per subdomain, but
> that's not how DNS is designed.

Well, I'm now completely lost what do you mean by a "subdomain"?

My concept of a "subdomain" is that it's just a (technically) regular
domain, ie. regular DNS zone, which has a SOA record, NS records etc.
It's juts colled a "subdomain" (which is quite arbitral) because it's one
level lower than its parent domain that you (also quite arbitrarily) just
call a "domain".

Except TLDs, that certainly are not "subdomains", each domain is a subdomain
and each subdomain is a domain. The prefix "sub" just indicates relationship
between two domains.

For example, everybody can register their domain under eu.org, like I did.
So my domain rafa.eu.org is a subdomain of eu.org, but both are domains, in
sense they are both independent DNS zones that have their own (completely
different) SOA records, NS records etc.

For me that was always what "subdomain" means and I would say that DNS
absolutely is designed that way.

Seems that you understand something else by "subdomain", then could you
please explain what "subdomain" is in your understanding?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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