
Am 06.05.2023 um 20:54 schrieb Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop:
Dnia  6.05.2023 o godz. 18:44:26 Christian Seitz via mailop pisze:

If I am not wrong a DNS zone can only have a single SOA record.
Yahoo requests an SOA record per subdomain. That does not make any
sense to me. We would have to create one DNS zone per subdomain, but
that's not how DNS is designed.

Well, I'm now completely lost what do you mean by a "subdomain"?

My concept of a "subdomain" is that it's just a (technically) regular domain, ie. regular DNS zone, which has a SOA record, NS records etc. It's
juts colled a "subdomain" (which is quite arbitral) because it's one level
lower than its parent domain that you (also quite arbitrarily) just call a
yes, this perhaps needs a clear definition.

We have officially registered the domain "in-berlin.de". Every user has a subdomain of this domain for email, web content, etc. My testaccount is the subdomain "testchris.in-berlin.de". This subdomain is not a different zone and therefore has not NS or SOA records. As part of the domain "in-berlin.de" it's just a subdomain with an MX record in order to receive emails. Most of our participants also have A and AAAA records for their web content, but that's not part of this Yahoo issue.

"www.in-berlin.de" also is just a subdomain for web content and not a completely separate zone with it's own NS and SOA records.

Individual Network Berlin e.V. : supp...@in-berlin.de : vorst...@in-berlin.de
Tel +49-30-45494343 ::: Fax +49-30-45494344 ::: Web https://www.in-berlin.de/
IN-Berlin e.V. : Christian Seitz (1. Vors.) : Lehrter Str. 53 :: 10557 Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 95 - VR 15669 Nz ::::::: USt.Ident-Nr. DE188894648
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