Dnia  6.05.2023 o godz. 23:36:52 Christian Seitz via mailop pisze:
> >My concept of a "subdomain" is that it's just a (technically)
> >regular domain, ie. regular DNS zone, which has a SOA record, NS
> >records etc. It's
> >juts colled a "subdomain" (which is quite arbitral) because it's one level
> >lower than its parent domain that you (also quite arbitrarily) just call a
> >"domain".
> yes, this perhaps needs a clear definition.
> We have officially registered the domain "in-berlin.de". Every user
> has a subdomain of this domain for email, web content, etc. My
> testaccount is the subdomain "testchris.in-berlin.de". This
> subdomain is not a different zone and therefore has not NS or SOA
> records. As part of the domain "in-berlin.de" it's just a subdomain
> with an MX record in order to receive emails. Most of our
> participants also have A and AAAA records for their web content, but
> that's not part of this Yahoo issue.
> "www.in-berlin.de" also is just a subdomain for web content and not
> a completely separate zone with it's own NS and SOA records.

While A or AAAA record within a zone is something perfectly normal (like a
file in a directory - I like to compare DNS to a file system, although I
know it's not 100% technically correct), this is the first time I hear of an
MX record with a name that corresponds to something within a zone, and not
the name of the zone itself. I understand they may see this as unusual, but
I don't understand why do they reject this?

Do they also reject in case when there is an A/AAAA record with the same
name in addition to MX? And what if it were only A/AAAA record defined for
the address part on the right of @, and no MX at all? They should not
object to mail coming from an address where the part after @ is an A/AAAA
record, as this is perfectly normal, and even more basic feature than using
MX records for mail.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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