Dňa 7. mája 2023 21:24:30 UTC používateľ Ken Peng via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>I have the question that,
>for example, co.in is in PSL, but the owner can reserve some names such as 
>www.co.in not open for registration.
>So this name has neither zone nor soa, but from my experience it does be 
>possible to have MX records.

AFAIK any DNS name can have MX record, except CNAMEs.
As was pointed already, A/AAAA is enough to deliver emails
(by RFC), but MX is more clear that name has dedicated
MTA, thus is better (and intended for that).

The PSL is something strange, introduced by DMARC which
defines "organizational domain", which seems to be not as
clear as DMARC's authors think.

This PSL is not standardized and is maintained by Mozilla,
which is only as volunteer to do that. Hopefuly they do it in
public way, but one have to consider that list as suggestion
only, it is not used by all and AFAIK some orgs maintain
own lists.

The whole SOA topic is yahoo specific, but using www... as
email's RHS is not good idea nowadays at all, as can cause
delivery problem, because it is often in SPAMs from hacked
web servers/sites, thus avoid it, if possible.

The PSL itself supports exclusions, see eg.:


But if they are open to accept/add new excludes, i do not


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