>> Outbound MSA re-sends the 
>> Inbound spam filter re-sends the message
>> Outbound compliance filter re-sends the message out to the world 

Those I consider internal processing of email, which don't really count as 
"forwarding" of a email.

I consider a email forwarded, when its being received by a server's MX, and 
then resent to a "foreign" MX using another recipient address than the one the 
email originally was sent to.
Then the envelope sender address should ALWAYS be changed, and in some cases, 
In more extreme cases, I think the original email should be encapsulated in a 
new RFC822 block, which bears these header changes:

From: "(To: in original email)"
To: "(The address the email is forwarded to)"
Reply-To: "(From: in original email, unless Reply-To exists in original email)"
Subject: "Fwd: (Original subject)"
Content-Type: message/rfc822

        [original message, untouched]

That’s to preserve as much as possible of the original email, but still ensure 
to not trip SPF, DKIM or DMARC security.

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