> On 19 Aug 2023, at 12:31, Gellner, Oliver via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> 
> wrote:
>> On 19.08.2023 at 12:30 Benny Pedersen via mailop wrote:
>> prove it, it just loose dmarc aligment, if it was hardfails, lets not ignore 
>> domain owners, ever
>> spf softfails can still pass dkim, hopefully you know this
> You don’t have to ignore domain owners as they do not put any kind of policy 
> into SPF records. SPF does not allow one to to this.
> What domain owners can do is set up a policy in the DMARC record. Of course 
> on the receiver side you can make up any number of additional or even 
> contradictory policies like the one you described, as in „your server, your 
> rules“. But I believe the guidance from M3AAWG which actually takes existing 
> policies from the sender side into account is more friendly and provides less 
> false positives. In a nutshell this means: Do not reject emails based solely 
> on SPF failures as soon as the sending domain has a valid DMARC record.

This recommendation doesn’t make sense. For companies that actually reject due 
to SPF, they’re most likely going to do it after MAIL FROM: At this point in 
the transaction, they don’t know what the DMARC domain is. They can look up 
DMARC for the domain in the MAIL FROM: but that may or may not be connected to 
the actual domain in the 5322.from.

I mean, I think it’s a bad idea to reject for SPF failures, but for folks who 
do I can’t imagine they want to see the full content of the message before just 
throwing it away. That seems wasteful.


The Delivery Expert

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise

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