On 2024-07-09 07:58, Michael Breuer via mailop wrote:

On 9. Jul 2024, at 03:41, John Levine via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

So for this inquiry I really am asking about reliable hosts - anywhere in
the world. That may or may not include names like Hetzner, Vultr, or AWS -

Take a look at Amazon SES. It's a pain to set up, but it's well run,
their mail gets delivered, and it's quite cheap. Their price estimator
says that 10 messages a day will be 15 cents/month. The free intro
lets you send 3000 messages/mo for a year.

You have to tell them and verify what domains you're sending from but the 
is per message, not per domain.

If you want your own IP, which at those volumes I doubt you do, it's
about $40/mo plus the message charge.

Please, don’t use Amazon SES. SMTP was designed as an open, interoperable 
protocol and I consider the market concentration harmful to the open internet. 
While others argue, that it’s too late to stop this process from my perspective 
it’s easier to start doing the right thing today than tomorrow.

Delivering mail from a cloud host / VM to the big players works reasonably well 
for me. If you start from scratch: After booking your VM / IP check dns 
blocklists for the reputation of your new IP address. If you get a bad IP 
assigned, change it. It’s easier than trying to remove it from the blocklists.


mailop mailing list

It's not that hard to get off blocklists, but suggest you work with a hosting company that offers 'rwhois'. That way it is easy to see that you are the new responsible party, and when you were assigned the IP address, so historical problems should not affect you.

Transparency is key. Make sure your rDNS is sane, has your domain, and an associated URL for that domain.


And for gods' sake.. don't simply say 'remove me' and expect the blocklist operator to be much more helpful. Provide full information on the server, and what it is used for.

However, yes.. hosting companies DO complain that it can take up to 8 man hours for removal. and you might want to consider your neighbours on the provider you have chosen. If the hosting company allows spammers, you might get painted by the same brush. And if you have a hosting company that doesn't support you getting off a blocklist, it is a good indication you have the wrong provider.

You get what you pay for.. the hoster offering $.99 hosting can't afford good engineers or support teams problably, and don't give a darn who signs up..

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