* Tony G. via mailop:

> So for this inquiry I really am asking about reliable hosts - anywhere
> in the world. That may or may not include names like Hetzner, Vultr,
> or AWS [...]

I have operated mail servers (both MX and outbound) on dedicated Hetzner
Servers since the early 2000s, for customers and myself. I also have VMs
there, but not in any mail server roles. My experience was that I had no
issues with blocked servers / IP adresses, but I attribute that mostly
to staying up to date with mechanisms like DKIM, DANE, and SPF, and to
rigorously screened outbound mail routing (as in never letting spam
originate from those servers). Not everybody has the luxury of knowing
mail submitters by name, but you seem to be in a position where
screening outbound traffic is possible.

Also, although I did not often require assistance, Hetzner's tech
support appeared competent and helpful when there was a need for them.
That is of high value for me, and stands out in comparison to other
companies I have had dealings with. I'm looking at you, DigitalOcean,
to name just one.

For me (!), Hetzner works well as a home for affordable mail servers,
and has done so for about 20 years. Definitely for dedicated servers.
I know too little about their VM portfolio in this role to offer a
related opinion.


P.S.: I am neither sponsored by Hetzner nor affiliated in any way,
simply a content customer.
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