2013/8/11 Peter FELECAN <pfele...@opencsw.org>:
> "Maciej (Matchek) BliziƄski" <mac...@opencsw.org> writes:
>> I tried and failed. I wanted to record who uploaded which package to
>> which catalog. Unfortunately, our web proxy destroys this information.
>> Maybe it can be fixed with some clever HTTP header rewriting, but I
>> didn't manage to make it work.
> What's the proxy that we use?
> Can you show me where in the code this is done?

It turned out that it wasn't the proxy at all. I've discovered the bug
accidentally during the camp, while explaining the code to another
person. This is the fix:


From yesterday on, the buildfarm database has accurate information
about who inserted which package to which catalog. There also is a new
URL you can call to retrieve this information for a given catalog.

For example:
curl -s $url | python -m json.tool | less

The last 3 elements in each list are:

- mtime of the svr4 file
- time the package was inserted into the catalog
- user name who did it, taken from HTTP auth

Going back to the original subject, we know of the following facts /
relations of people to a given package:

- people who made edits to the build recipe (can be taken from the
repository, it's not available for all packages)
- person who built the package / ran mgar (this information is
embedded in the package)
- person who inserted the package into a catalog (could be a different
person in each catalog)

The above are the things we know. None of these things is the list of
the Maintainers Of The Package.

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