At 02:06 PM 10/14/98 -0700, you wrote:
>i am having problems finding information on the relationship between
>augustus and virgil and the affects of the aeneid on the political
>platform of the time.

On the relationship between poet and patron, you might (if you haven't
already) look at Peter White, Promised Verse. On the impact of the Aeneid
on Augustan politics (a welcome change from our usual discussions of the
impact of Augustan politics on the Aeneid), I think Karl Galinsky's
comments on the parade of Roman worthies, the death of Turnus, and the
Forum of Augustus are a good place to start; see Augustan Culture, 206,

David Wilson-Okamura         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Chicago    Online Virgil discussion, bibliography & links
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