At 10:40 AM 10/15/98 -0400, Jim O'Hara wrote:
>Not all would agree that Galinsky Augustan Culture 210 is a good place to
>"start" on the death of Turnus, since there is not even a hint there that
>there that the killing of Turnus might be viewed as more complicated than
>simply "a justified act of vengeance that has both a personal and a public
>dimension."  For some of the complexities of pietas, public, and private
>here, see e.g. Lyne, R.O.A.M., "Vergil and the Politics of War," CQ 33
>(1983) 188-203, repr. Harrison, S.J, Oxford Readings in Vergil's Aeneid
>(Oxford 1990).

Jim is right to point out that there are differences of opinion on what a
Roman audience would have made of the final scene. But I'm still interested
in the original question: what was Virgil's impact, if any, on public
discourse and public monuments like the Forum of Augustus? Also, what do we
know about the "reception" of the temple to Mars Vltor that Augustus
erected there? Do we know what people made of it, or are we (as with
Virgil's poem) reduced again to speculation?

David Wilson-Okamura         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Chicago    Online Virgil discussion, bibliography & links
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