>At 02:06 PM 10/14/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>i am having problems finding information on the relationship between
>>augustus and virgil and the affects of the aeneid on the political
>>platform of the time.

D W-O said: :
>On the relationship between poet and patron, you might (if you haven't
>already) look at Peter White, Promised Verse. On the impact of the Aeneid
>on Augustan politics (a welcome change from our usual discussions of the
>impact of Augustan politics on the Aeneid), I think Karl Galinsky's
>comments on the parade of Roman worthies, the death of Turnus, and the
>Forum of Augustus are a good place to start; see Augustan Culture, 206,

Not all would agree that Galinsky Augustan Culture 210 is a good place to
"start" on the death of Turnus, since there is not even a hint there that
there that the killing of Turnus might be viewed as more complicated than
simply "a justified act of vengeance that has both a personal and a public
dimension."  For some of the complexities of pietas, public, and private
here, see e.g. Lyne, R.O.A.M., "Vergil and the Politics of War," CQ 33
(1983) 188-203, repr. Harrison, S.J, Oxford Readings in Vergil's Aeneid
(Oxford 1990).

>All I know is that augustus asked him to write it ....

Not really shown by any evidence to be true.

Jim O'Hara                               James J. O'Hara
Professor of Classical Studies & Chair   Classical Studies Dept.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      Wesleyan University
860/685-2066 (fax: 2089)                 Middletown CT 06459-0146
Home Page: http://www.wesleyan.edu/classics/faculty/jim.html

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