Hi Jackie,

> Ah yes, the dreaded linux question :)
Lol. I also was afraid to ask :)

> Well fortunately this time round, my gcc/make/ld error comprehension skills
> have improved significantly from my last major attempt and as a result, I've
> had some successes building mapguide on ubuntu (11.10)*


If I remember from some early attempts I've made in the past, some of
the problems also stems from the very brittle and custom compilation
Even in Oem software, that should compile quite out-of-the-box.

Kudos to you if you dare to make compilation under Linux a little more viable.

> So the question then becomes: What linux distros do you want to see a
> mapguide build for? Also I will readily admit to not being a full expert on
> these matters, so may need assistance

Wow, I can choose?
Linux support is getting better and better :)

Current Debian/Ubuntu is my first choice.
But also centos is fine.

The important is that a recent version is targeted.

I've seen that Autodesk IMS support RedHat Enterprise 5.5, so centos
5.5 should compile and work.
We're using MGOS with centos 5.5 and centos 6 with success (the latter
with some ugly hacks, but it works).

So choose the (reasonable) distro in which you have less trouble to compile it.

I'm also not a great expert but I'll help at my best if you report
your advancement and problems.


Gabriele Monfardini
mapguide-users mailing list

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