Could you please forward any info you recieve?
 -Natalie Swayze
From: Roy Chiappini
To: Damian Skeeles
Subject: Re: MI Calculate Raster Area / Convert to Vector
Date: Sunday, December 05, 1999 12:56AM

Damian has a reasonable request and one that seems to identify somewhat of
a weakness in MI, i.e., ability to do something with raster images.

I use MI and Vertical Mapper.  Vertical Mapper uses is quite flexible with
grid (grd & grc) files.

All that is needed is to be able to convert a raster image to a .grd  file
in one of the formats that is recognizable with either or both MI and VM.

This appears to be a real chore.  At least, I haven't seen any 'successful'
results or discussions about it.

All of my inqueries have left me feeling like I'm the only one in the world
who doesn't know how to convert an image into an ascii array of values that
are related to image colors.  Then that file could be modified with the
appropriate header and be importable via Vertical Mapper and wa la you have
a grid file that you can do something with.

I have been dinking around, off and on,  breaks for Army Navy & Gators and
Bama, and haven't solved it yet.

Damians edge detector idea would be great, but what about drawing the
regions after the image w/edges detected is georeference.  Then you gotta
create a new map and trace over the regions.  I takes enough time that the
quest for the better way is the only way.

Any hints  would be appreciated


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