Careful, gang.  Before we start slinging things at each other, we need to
get a little perspective about this topic.

There is no single, simple answer to what is or is not permitted, nor what
is ethically "right".

As I understand the rulings, you cannot copyright a fact.  You can copyright
the particular expression of a fact.  To put this stupidly, you cannot
copyright the fact that it is 52def F. in Portland Oregon right now.  You
can copyright the cute little "weather bug" that's part of my company's home
page that is a link to Accuweather.

What chafes us, I warrant, is the success some have had in locking up public
data "that we've already paid for".  

Here's my 2c worth:

*  I have no trouble paying our local regional government $1800 a year for a
subscription to a most wonderful set of GIS data layers.  Yeah, I could
probably get them one by one, but they provide a huge value by handling the
correction, registration of layers and general mechanics of making this
stuff work.  I accept the fact that I can't give a copy of this data to
anybody else.  Anybody can get a single user subscription for $600 a year,
much less if they are a bona fide non-profit.  Seems fair to me.

* One of our clients needed to so some serious marketing work.  They paid
several thousands of dollars for some fairly good name and address data.  I
think they got their money's worth.

* If a government agency funds certain data collection or processing
activities with my fees, not tax dollars, then that's OK.  If tax dollars
paid for the collection of data and they want to charge more than a nominal
fee to accomplish "revenue enhancement", I do have a problem.

I may not be able to define Justice, but I know it when I see it !

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Frost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: MI-L Protecting GIS data (cross-posted), reply

> you cannot copyright data (even if you have spent hundreds/thousands 
> of hours
> collecting it).  

Oh no! That's going to come as a shock to the dozens of data vendors whose
business models depend on that right :-)

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