Very much answered. Thanks a mil.

>>> "Uffe Kousgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/15/04 09:59AM >>>
To do that, you will have to add a field called "ID", update it to contain
rowid (i.e. 1, 2, 3,....) and then include a where clause in your SQL:

where rowid<=20
where rowid>=20 and rowid<=100

If you want to see only the top 20 records in the output (i.e. after the
group by), then the answer is no. MapInfo SQL doesn't handle that in a
single step. With 2 steps you can do something similar to what I have
written above.

Kind regards

Uffe Kousgaard

Norman Mabunda wrote:
> Another question: Is't possible 1000 records count to see only a
> certail number of records. For instance, of the 100 records count, to
> see the 1st 20 records, or to see only 20 records of the 100 records.
> If yes, how?

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<BODY style="MARGIN-TOP: 2px; FONT: 8pt Tahoma; MARGIN-LEFT: 2px"><FONT 
size=1>Very much answered. Thanks a mil.</FONT><BR><BR>&gt;&gt;&gt; "Uffe 
Kousgaard" &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt; 01/15/04 09:59AM &gt;&gt;&gt;<BR>To do 
that, you will have to add a field called "ID", update it to contain<BR>rowid 
(i.e. 1, 2, 3,....) and then include a where clause in your SQL:<BR><BR>where 
rowid&lt;=20<BR>or<BR>where rowid&gt;=20 and rowid&lt;=100<BR><BR>If you want to 
see only the top 20 records in the output (i.e. after the<BR>group by), then the 
answer is no. MapInfo SQL doesn't handle that in a<BR>single step. With 2 steps 
you can do something similar to what I have<BR>written above.<BR><BR>Kind 
regards<BR><BR>Uffe Kousgaard<BR><BR><BR><BR>Norman Mabunda 
wrote:<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt; Another question: Is't possible 1000 records count to see 
only a<BR>&gt; certail number of records. For instance, of the 100 records 
count, to<BR>&gt; see the 1st 20 records, or to see only 20 records of the 100 
records.<BR>&gt; If yes, 
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number: 9895<BR><BR></BODY></HTML>

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