
I agree with you on this point. MapInfo hasn't been very good at giving 
feedback to the person entering the problem. I think this is simply because 
they didn't track that information. They didn't know who send in the bug or 
feature request.

But I also think this is changing. They have implemented a new system for - at 
least feature requests - where the request is connected to a name and a email 
address. This should give them the possibility to contact the person who send 
in the request and even ask for more detail.

I must admit that I still need to see that part work ;-) But they seem to be 
heading in the right direction.

When you get a bug reported, you should get a bug number. This can be used to 
track the bug, not interactively on a web site, but fore instance via email.

But you are right. It is a serious problem for MapInfo, if their costumers 
don't feel that they are heard. Especially as MapInfo keep saying that they 
want to listen to the costumers.

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer, MTM
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S.
Tel     +45 6311 4900
Direct  +45 6311 4908
Mob     +45 5156 1045
Fax     +45 6311 4949

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Greenwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 11:55 PM
To: Peter Horsbøll Møller
Subject: Re: [MI-L] Auditing edits made to mapinfo tables.

On 7/5/06, Peter Horsbøll Møller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rich,
> I have to disagree here. Many of the improvemnets that has been made during 
> the last versions of MapInfo Pro have been made because users have asked for 
> them.
> The best way to make MapInfo aware of you wish is to send the wish to your 
> MapInfo contact person. This may be a MapInfo Partner or a person at MapInfo 
> Corp.
> For MapInfo Pro wishes I would recommend either Moshe Binyamin for the US 
> region and Tom Probert in the EMEA region.


Thanks for your comments, your positive attitude, and your many help posts to 
the list.

I have used MapInfo Pro since version 3.0 and consider it to be a very good 
product. Over the years I have run into various bugs and communicated them thru 
my MI Business Partner, and directly to Moshe B. on a couple occasions.

Personally, I have been disapointed with the ressponse I received. I can 
remember only one occasion in which a bug was fixed mid-release (and this was a 
bug that I had reported in the previous release).

Many projects use Bugzilla which allows users to track the progress of bug 
fixes, place feature requests, and receive notification upon resolution. It is 
a far more satisfying experience when a user fells that their input is tracked 
and respected, rather than having to plead with  a reseller (Business Partner) 
who may or may not fully comprehend your problem, or get a direct dialog with a 
senior engineer.

My point, which may have come off with an overly cynical tone, was that MapInfo 
has done little encourage my participation in the improvement of their product. 
Lest I start a flame war, I will leave it at that.


Richard Greenwood

MapInfo-L mailing list

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