Title: Auditing edits made to mapinfo tables.
Well all I can offer is what seems to be obvious.  Create a table that holds all the audit trail fields and create new records for it every time you amend the database.  If you keep your updates to the database in dedicated procs then that would be the place to also update the audit table.
Terry McDonnell

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mathew Linnane
Sent: 04 July 2006 06:00
To: Terry McDonnell
Subject: [MI-L] Auditing edits made to mapinfo tables.

I need to create an audit trail of all edits made to a certain mapinfo table. The Audit trail must include user ID, Date, Time etc. Can mapinfo facilitate any form of auditing? All ideas would help.





Mathew Linnane


GIS/LIS Assets Officer.

Queanbeyan City Council.

257 Crawford Street

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