Bill Wordsworth wrote:
Thanks Steve. I am clear about the mapping part. I am not so sure about streaming/uploading near-real-time GPS data from on-site to webserver across WPA?

I can not speak to WPA, I'm not sure I know that protocol, but if have a cell phone that that can do HTTP GET requests to a server, you can trivially write a php page the gets the url and writes the fields to a database and have mapserver display that. So that is pretty real-time.

So you phone would ping a url like<lat>&lon=<lon>&device=<uid>&...

And then write a track.php to fetch the paramaters and stuff them into the DB.

-Steve W

Cheers, Bill
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    There are probably many solutions available depending on the various
    technical components that you might have in the solution. One possible
    solution might be something along these lines:

    1) stream data to some service that you probably have to build
    2) have said service load the points into a postgres/postgis database
    3) create a mapfile with a LAYER to disply the data from postgis
    4) Use a client like OpenLayers to render you map from mapserver
    5) add a timer event to refresh your map every X secs

    -Steve W

    Bill Wordsworth wrote:
     > Please let's not hijack my poor thread :)! Anyway, here's my original
     > question:
     > "How can I upload/stream near-real-time GPS data from on-site to
     > webserver/MapServer (MapServer 5.x can read *.gpx)?"
     > I've been referred to from the usenet
     > groups. I am looking for something with WPA.
     > Cheers, Bill
     > On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Carlos Pinto
     > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
     >     Hi all,
     >     I'm new in MapServer and I'm using Openlayers that can be a
     >     of MapServer.
     >     What I'm trying to set-up is a grid that is in GML file. And
    I want
     >     MapServer to build the layer reading the GML file and give it to
     >     OpenLayers (javascript API) would read it as WMS.
     >     I have instaled MapServer in C#  so I'm using MapScript. Is this
     >     possible?
     >     Thanks
     >     Carlos
     >     _______________________________________________
     >     mapserver-users mailing list
     > On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Bill Wordsworth
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
     >     How can I upload/stream near-real-time GPS data from on-site to
     >     webserver/MapServer (MapServer 5.x can read *.gpx)?
     >     Cheers, Bill
     > _______________________________________________
     > mapserver-users mailing list


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