> On Mar 27, 2008, at 12:43 PM, Fawcett, David wrote:
> My guess is that you will need some sort of device to log the data  
> from the GPS and then transmit it across a wireless network (pager,  
> SMS, cell phone).  At your base station, you would have capture the  
> messages, parse them, and then probably stuff the data into a  
> database (PostGIS?).
> Your MapServer map file could then point to the spatial data layer  
> in PostGIS.  Every hit to MapServer would show the latest data.

This is exactly the approach I have taken in providing similar data showing
vessel movements & track. It works well.

Database views & queries provide a simple latest (ie, current) position as well
as easily permitting automated building of objects like daily paths, etc, for
long term warehousing of conveniently packaged path data.


  Brent Wood
mapserver-users mailing list

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