Le 2010-11-03 02:30, KAMI911 KAMI911 a écrit :
Hi All,

I would like to offer OxygenOffice Collected and Managed templates here. We
created and collected a plenty of templates during the half decade. This
template pack is available for a free license. The collection is a bit mixed
in term of quality, usability and language support but we have good base to
start the work here and many languages are supported and also we have common
(language independent section to). I tried to organize and collect more
information about the collected templates. I hope they maybe useful for the
LibO community. Tempates are available in extension site and they are
collected in a svn repository.



Best regards,


Hi Kami:

Could you tell us how the templates were constructed. Were they constructed by devs and did you have projects set up for template construction? How were the categories chosen.

BTW, I usually install your templates when I installed OOo. I haven't installed them yet on my LibO yet.

Nice template collection. Thank you very much for the template packs.


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