Hello Lucas,

Your logo proposal looks great to me: I even see an opened laptop in the L and a videoscreen in the O. On the other hand, I am/was a great fan of the seagulls in OOo, which represented freedom in all its aspects. I am not sure if a touch of this is possible; it is just an idea of mine.

Keep up the good work
Best regards

Op 14/11/2010 23:09, Lucas Filho schreef:
Hello Community,

After reading some email and see the logo on the wiki LibreOffice, dropped out
of the idea of the paper airplane and prepared over a logo option.

I kept the source but I changed the colors. This new project, we included the
splash screen. In my opinion the color black should be the dominant (in a world
of color black stands out more). Also black is the color that indicates
technology (according to the study of meaning of the colors).

Hope you enjoy.


P.S: someone could put on the wiki? I tried but was giving error creating my

Até mais,
Lucas Filho
Open-Ce Tecnologias e Serviços
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