Hi :)

Is there somewhere to see a list of proposed slogan's?  I prefer "evolution" to 
"revolution" becuase people are talking about "Cloud apps" as being THE 
revolution and that is scaring a lot of people.

LibreOffice looks like the older versions of MicroSquish Office and a lot of 
people have grumbled about the all new ribbon-bar at the top of the last 2 
releases of MicroSquish Office.  Personally i had no trouble with the 
but many people hate it.

We have a window of opportunity to 'sell' LibreOffice as being the only 
evolutionary Office suite because everyone else forces people into 
things that they don't want and are scared of or hate.

I also liked "freedom never tasted so suite".

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Michael Wheatland <mich...@wheatland.com.au>
To: marketing@libreoffice.org
Sent: Thu, 30 December, 2010 5:31:28
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice Slogan

I have also been considering the slogan. The concept that I was
thinking of was to reflect the transition from OpenOffice.org to
LibreOffice into the slogan.

At this point in time I might suggest:

LibreOffice, the document evolution

This would reflect the culture change that LibreOffice has come to represent.
...Later, as LibreOffice becomes mature and new features and interface
is introduced:

LibreOffice, the document revolution

The implication of this is a 'new way' to create documents. I don't
think LibreOffice is a revolution yet, but there are ideas out there,
such as the citrus interface which would warrant such a statement.

Just my 2c

Michael Wheatland

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