At 23:24 13/09/99 +0100, you wrote:
>    Hi Folks,     neither of the main  positions are tenable --support for
>intervention or support for the East  Timorese independence movement.   
>Interventionism merely constitutes another form of  imperialist action. 

So does non-intervention.

>As I write the imperialist powers and their satellites hover like vultures
over the East Timorese masses while deciding how to divide and consume
their prey.

This sounds very radical, but it is purist nonsense. Sorry, but clever
analyses that everything is the fault of imperialism will not help link
theory with practice, and will paralyse people from making the compromises
that are essential in political practice. 

If George is advancing the bogus marxist strategy of "no compromises" he
should reflect that to do nothing, in a situation in which imperialism is
always intervening as much as it can, usually quietly and secretly, is
itself a compromise.

Chris Burford


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