Ralph Dumain  wrote:
> This sort of politics worked during the New Deal, which was the CPs
> heyday. And that was partially because the nebulous long-term vision
> of socialism could be seen as the logical conclusion of short-term
> reform efforts and the growth in power of labor organizations, and
> because using the state to reform the capitalism system could be seen
> to involve using the state or gaining control of the state to take
> social democracy to its logical conclusion. And because the CPUSA
> could be seen as a viable, effective organization that could achieve
> tangible goals. NONE of these conditions are present now. This means
> that Webb is enacting a form of ritual cleansing and bonding, the
> same sort of nonsense I used to hear at Blowhard Bondan's Socialist
> Scholars Conferences--preaching to the faithful, admonishing them for
> their faults, and cathartically reasserting their fundamental values.
> This is a ritual performance for the faithful and a reinfiorcement of
> the delusion that the CPUSA and American democracy have a future.

CB: How about a little crititicism-self-criticism.

Since you ain't go no "viable, effective organization that could achieve
 tangible goals" nor do any of the other left critics of the CPUSA, we
can presume that your political analysis and discussion is
 a form of ritual cleansing and bonding and nonsense.

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