Wouldn't a liberal propose something different than this?


The initiative holds political risks as well as potential benefits.
Because Mr. Obama plans to exempt military spending while leaving many
popular domestic programs vulnerable, his move is certain to further
anger liberals in his party and senior Democrats in Congress, who are
already upset by the possible collapse of health care legislation and
the troop buildup in Afghanistan, among other things.

Fiscally conservative Democrats in the House and Senate have urged Mr.
Obama to support a freeze, and it would suggest to voters, Wall Street
and other nations that the president is willing to make tough
decisions at a time when the deficit and the national debt, in the
view of many economists, have reached levels that undermine the
nation’s long-term prosperity. Perceptions that government spending is
out of control have contributed to Mr. Obama’s loss of support among
independent voters, and concern about the government’s fiscal health
could put upward pressure on the interest rates the United States has
to pay to borrow money from investors and nations, especially China,
that have been financing Washington’s budget deficit.

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