In a message dated 1/24/2010 6:34:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Setting the record straight

by: Sam  Webb
January 20 2010
>> President Obama is a reformer, not a socialist reformer, not a  radical 
reformer, and not even a consistent anti-corporate reformer, but a  reformer 
nonetheless whose agenda creates space for the broader people's  movement 
to deepen and extend the reform process in a non-revolutionary period.  <<

Obama is neither radical nor anti-corporate. 
We are however, in a revolutionary period - era, in real time. 
In the context of the industrial revolution Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels  
discovered that social revolution is defined by a series of stages whose  
fundamental origins are technological revolution in the means of production. 
As  the technological revolution unfolds, the qualitatively new forces of 
production  come into conflict with existing productive relations, and thus 
begins an epoch  of social revolution that ends with new productive relations 
corresponding to  the new technology. This discovery marks the beginning of 
genuine social  science, and is the theoretical foundation for comprehending 
and facilitating  the revolutionary process. The current revolution in the 
means of production  that we are witnessing in the world today is the 
beginning of just such a  process, the beginning stages of a revolution that 
confirms Marx and  Engels' scientific discovery. 
Marx and Engels directly witnessed how the industrial revolution created a  
new class of proletarians that possessed no property other than their labor 
 power. In the Communist Manifesto in 1848, Marx and Engels projected that 
this  class would overthrow capitalism and create a communist society. We 
now know  that this projection was premature: without the introduction of a 
new quality  into the means of production which could facilitate the overthrow 
of capitalist  relations, the industrial proletariat in Europe, North 
America and Japan fought  fiercely with its capitalist employers for a share in 
the benefits of  industrialization (e.g., higher wages, better working 
conditions, political  rights, and so on). Qualitatively new means of 
have come into  existence and our society is thirty years deep into applying 
these revolutionary  new instruments of production and the knowledge of the 
scientific revolution.  First comes application of new technology then the 
social consequences and this  cycle repeat itself in stages until the entire 
productivity infrastructure is  transformed. 
A revolutionary period is a time frame where a qualitative reorganization  
of the productive forces has begun and classes leap - not all at one time, 
from  contradiction and begin their movement in antagonism as society 
struggles to  complete the evolutionary leap to a new mode of production. The 
dialectic of the  leap is a very complex process revolutionaries debate and 
unravel so as to  figure out their directional line of march. 

We are living the opening era of a post industrial regime . A major  part 
of the material/political evolutionary aspects of the leap is the emergence  
of the new world wide non-banking financial architecture. This form of 
capital  is detached from the production of surplus value. During my youth we 
bitterly  hated the financial capitalists, somewhere sitting in his office 
claiming he was  in "mining" because he invested in mining stocks, bonds of 
various kinds and  paper promising to return a profit, indirectly based on 
and mortar  production and distribution of real things. Today, the new 
non-banking financial  regime is into money, all kinds of financial instruments 
and schemes with zero  connection - not even remotely, to production. 
Capital detached from surplus value production writes the international  
political agenda for capital backed by the aggressive military might of 
America.  Growing sections of the world proletariat lives hand to mouth outside 
capitals  historic social contract. The social contract of capital is selling 
and buying  and buying and selling of labor ability (power) as the driving 
force behind  circulation of commodities. "You work for me and I will pay you 
and society will  grow and prosper is capital’s social contract." 
There are no new markets to conquer. Under capitalism "the market" is not  
an area where buying and selling takes place, but all the society 
transactions  where exchange of labor for  money for commodities; investment of 
for  more money drives economic activity. What holds the market together is 
the  social contract. The state - police and military organizations, enforce 
the  legal system holding the social contract in place. Along comes a 
revolution in  the productive forces that disrupt the productive relations 
driving layer after  layer of workers out of active production, while reducing 
wages across the  board. Step by step and stage by stage capital renders the 
wage form of labor,  "work for me and I will pay you wages," superfluous to 
commodity production,  under new conditions of the post industrial revolution. 
The social contract  begins its revolutionary collapse. This defines a 
revolutionary period. 
When sections of capital seek profits outside production of real things and 
 workers are ousted from production, these people do not disappear, simply  
because they no longer engage production. A full 30%, possibility 50% of 
our  working class consist of temporary workers living hand to mouth. This 
concrete  class configuration did not exist when I was first hired into the 
auto industry. 
More than 100,000 workers in the financial industry in and around New York  
City have lost their jobs in the last 24 months, many of them making as 
much as  $100, 000 a year. Sections of the bourgeoisie - capital, and 
proletariat,  including former higher paid workers, increasingly face each 
other in 
external  collision without the connecting tissue that is the unity of 
production. The  dominating form of capital as bourgeoisie is not connected, 
interactive with a  huge section of the proletariat, more than less cast out of 
the civic society of  the bourgeoisie, with no possibility of achieving 
economic stability based on  capitalist production. This is a new thing in 
In an attempt to cheapen commodities, realize a profit and deepen the  
market, each concrete step in further revolutionizing the productive forces  
exacerbate antagonism; intensify external collision between classes. External  
collision between classes is how the movement of classes in antagonism takes 
 place. Where classes are united in the process of production and struggle 
with  one another over shares of the social production; better working 
conditions,  more leisure time and greater political liberty, these struggles 
the  movement of society in contradiction. Contradiction is not antagonism. 
The  former is the basis for the struggle for reform of the system. The 
latter is a  revolutionary struggle to displace the system. A new form of 
struggle outside  the employer-employee contradiction is in birth. Qualitative 
change in the means  of production, the material base for revolution, is 
irreversible. The disruption  - breach, between production and distribution and 
the tightening cyclical crisis  can no longer be ignored. We have entered an 
epoch of social revolution. 
Sam Webb is wrong. We are in a revolutionary period. 
Society does in fact, move in class antagonism. We are also in the midst of 
 a revolutionary crisis, that ebbs and flows and advances in stages. The 
outbreak  of the revolutionary crisis was witnessed a couple of springs ago - 
2006, as the  immigration movement or the new face of the world proletarian 
revolution.  Protestors, approximately six million strong in America, took 
to the streets in  a movement so large it surprised the politicians, the 
capitalists, and even the  protestors themselves. It was something completely 
and obviously new –  qualitatively new. From Los Angeles to Chicago to 
Washington, D.C., from Denver  to Miami and North Carolina to Wisconsin, people 
from all walks of life  demonstrated their outrage against HR-4337, the 
draconian immigration  legislation that proposes to make criminals out of the 
undocumented as well as  those who aid them in any way. Consider some of the 
language of the proposed  bill, which is nothing more than a modern version of 
the fugitive slave act. It  would be a crime to assist an undocumented person 
to "remain in the United  States... knowing or in reckless disregard of the 
fact that such person is an  alien who lacks lawful authority to reside in 
or remain in the United States". 
The chants of "We are not criminals!" and "We are America!" resounded  
across the United States. 

Obama was called forth and elected, as was Bush W. in a period of social  
revolution, where the bourgeoisie is attempting to stabilize itself on the 
basis  of valueless wealth. Upon taking office, a President is immediately 
hemmed in by  a number of forces. Among them is the oath to uphold the 
Constitution and the  laws of the land. Should that President consider the 
Constitution "a covenant  with hell" it must still be upheld. The President 
a military and  administrative bureaucracy, which, indispensable to 
governing, may not agree  with him and dangerously hinder his capability. Most 
importantly, no one can  govern a people who disagree with them.

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