Jim Farmelant :
If you are going to bring up the Manhattan Project,
then I think it ought to be compared with the
German A-bomb project, which failed to
produce a bomb.  Why did it fail?
Well, primarily because it was never funded,
anywhere, close to the level that the
Manhattan Project was funded.  The
Germans simply didn't have the money
and they were in far more desparate
straights than the Americans were
at the time.  However, that's not
the only reason for its failure.
Another reason is that its head,
Werner Heisenberg made some
serious errors in his cailculations.
A lot of people when commenting
on the failure of the German A-bomb
project seem to stop there.  But
the question in my mind is why
didn't anyone working on the
project step forward and
correct Heisenberg's errors.
And that, I think, speaks to
what was then a major difference
between the way American science
operated (even under the relatively
authoritarian and militaristic conditions
of the Manhattan Project) and the
way German science operated.
In Germany universites of that time,
senior professors were like little gods.
They reigned supreme in their own
departments and no mere underling
would have dreamed of criticizing
them or correcting them. Even if
a scientist working in the German
A-bomb project had become aware
that Heisenberg was making mistakes
in his calculations, he would, most
likely, not dared to step forward
to correct the great man, since that
was simply not the done thing in
German science at that time.

In the Manhattan Project, despite the
efforts of General Groves to impose
military discipline on the scientists,
things were still relatively loose
and freewheeling among them,
and that, I would submit, contributed
to the success of the project.  If
a senior scientist, even an Oppenheimer
or a Fermi, had made an error in his
calculations, there would have been
other, perhaps more junior, scientists
who would have been willing to
step forward to make the necessary

Jim Farmelant

CB: This seems to be authoritarianism at the university level.

On the other hand, this university authoritarian atmosphere did
successfully produce the Heisenberg uncertainty discoveries ,
evidently (smile). I'm glad Heisenberg got his uncertainty stuff
correct and his atom bomb calculations incorrect.

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