Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Fine. Fine.

There is a civil war. Western powers want Gadafi out. The rebels want
Gadafi out. Chávez wants mediation so that no more blood is spilt and
Gadafi accepts his mediation. The rebels reject the mediation so that
there is no other way out than more civil war or, at last, a military

Leftists side with the Western powers against Chávez. And, sorry to
tell you folks, also with followers of King Idris who have been shown
spicing the Revolution in oil-rich Cyrenaica. Yes, they are very few.

No truly revolutionary movement in Lybia would even accept a single
follower of King Idris to come less than fifty miles near its
mobilisations. Not more than a revolutionary movement in Saudi Arabia
would accept a follower of the House of Saud.

But so be it. I will have to read all my books again.

I guess I will be subbed for this reactionary comment. So be it, again.

A píty. Will follow the list through the archives.

2011/3/3 dave x <dave...@gmail.com>:
> They reject it as they rightly should. I imagine that Chavez may have
> put some serious bad blood between him and revolutionaries in the
> middle east with the way he has handled this. This mediation offer
> just dug the pit bigger. I am guessing that the 'Hugo Chavez Stadium'
> in Benghazi won't be keeping that name.
> -dave
> ---------------------------------------------------
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/03/libyan-rebels-reject-hugo-chavez
> Libyan rebels reject Hugo Chávez mediation offer
> Leaders of anti-Gaddafi fighters say talk of peace is too late and
> they will not negotiate via Venezuelan president


Néstor Gorojovsky
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