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Dear Comrade Nestor,

I am really surprised that you are unable to see the reality of the Arab
revolution (which indeed has nothing to do DIRECTLY with the fight for
socialism in the western world) - but has EVERYTHING to do with the common
fight of the common people against the moneybags.

We should be exhilarated that the Arabs are revolting against the oppression
that the west (led originally by Britain and subsequently by the USA) has
dealt them since 1918.

No doubt there are tribalists, monarchists, Islamic fundamentalists, and all
sorts of other "...ists" that we have never heard about, and cannot
understand, among the crowds opposing tyranny.  But they are in ACTION
against tyranny !!

NO revolution has ever - or WILL EVER HAPPEN - that only includes people who
have a rational understanding of the vast issues involved.  These are simple
people - just like the people you pass in the street or in the shops when
you go to by your food.  They are not political theorists like so many of us
on this list - they are just coming on to the streets because things have
just gone beyond what they can put up with any longer.   They just know that
things have become INTOLERABLE and they want CHANGE  !!!  Most of them have
not the slightest idea what they mean by change - but they know they want

This is the situation where your REAL understanding as a revolutionary is
tested.  You must be able to talk to the people in words they understand -
to help them towards an understanding of who their REAL enemies are - and to
help THEM make a BETTER LIFE for themselves and their families.  (That is
why I became both a scientist and a communist).

Surely that is the fundamental reason we are revolutionaries - not to show
how important Marxism is to let us understand the world - but to CHANGE the
world for the betterment of HUMANITY, whatever its peculiarities and

Tyrants like Gaddaffi (and Mugabe), whatever their revolutionary
credentials, have no place in this HUMAN fight for Liberté, Fraternité et
Equalité.    THAT, the idea of the French Revolution is what we are fighting
for under the banner of Socialism and Marxism - the same REVOLUTIONARY
slogan of the common people for centuries.

Of course our governments want to control what happens in the future of the
Arabian countries - howver, the people may be SIMPLE in theoretical terms -
but they are not STUPID = and THEY HAVE GOT OFF THEIR KNEES - which is for
evermore just for worshipping Allah on Saturdays.

Finally, we should realise, that without knowing it - they are fighting for
US as well.  Let us work for a HUGE turn out for the TUC demo on March 26th.


-----Original Message-----
edu] On Behalf Of dave x
Sent: 04 March 2011 4:55 PM
To: e.c.apl...@btinternet.com
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Libyan rebels reject Hugo Chávez mediation offer

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

It is too easy to tell me I slander those you have defined as
"revolutionaries" (without much experience of Lybian issues, I presume),
when I have simply shown that they are, at most, "rebels", with some
unsavory and (for a revolutionary) uncanny elements within.

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