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Mark Lause wrote: "Realizing that South Carolina is a kind of special case, this strikes me as a reflection of what one of the liberals was arguing to me the other day, that America's just a reactionary, right-wing country because the people are reactionary and right-wing. It just isn't, for all the muddleheadedness and easy distractions." *Response*: It's not just South Carolina is a special case, but the South, or at least the states of the former Confederacy fall in that category. "White Southerners simply did not respond to the events of secession and war the same way. And they have responded to later events with still less unanimity. And still less are white Southerners some kind of surrogate stand-in for the white population in the U.S. (no, not even the males.)" *Response:* The majority of white Southerners did support secession and the war, at least until late 1864. The lowest figures I've seen for total number enrolled in Confederate Army is 900,000, or 15% of total white population. this stands in contrast to 12% of total US population in military in World War II. No white Southerners are not some sort of "surrogate stand-in for the white population..........." During the civil rights movement, the majority of white Southerners, were indeed oppossed to desegregation. There is a difference between the South and the rest of the country. The so called rocky mountain states, with the possible exception of Montana, may be as conservative as the South. "All of these oft-repeated generalizations ignore the fact that, notwithstanding the hickup of 2008, the participation in elections of those qualified to vote has been declining since World War II. And those who are voting are doing so with less and less enthusiasm for the options." *Response*: For what it's worth, exit polls during the 2008 elections claim the majority of white Southerners under 30 voted for Obama. This is in a region where the Republicans routinely get 75-80% of the total white vote. ________________________________________________ Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/archive%40mail-archive.com