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    >>"Trotsky made extensive and unapologetic use of torture during
   the civil
   war, as he smashed all those plots (from Tsarist to left-SR) directed
   against the Bolsheviks.


Oh come on Louis, the Cheka (Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution) was established by Lenin and Trotsky in December 1917.

From its inception, Left Communists (Victor Serge) and Anarchists (Emma Goldman) criticized the growing powers of the Cheka to operate without being held accountable in any form.

Trotsky consistently dismissed such concerns as "petit bourgeois" as the Cheka's goal was to institue a "Red Terror" (the term used by Bolsheviks) to suppress counterrevolutionary activities in Russia.

The head of the Cheka, Dzerzhinsky (aka "Iron Felix"), under tight control from Trotsky and Lenin, was tasked with ruthlessly uprooting anti-Bolshevik subversion.

"[...] profiteers, marauders, hooligans, counter-revolutionary agitators and spies are to be shot on the spot.''
---/Decree of Soviet Power (1917)/

Louis, are you telling me that the Cheka was bound by bourgeois notions of human rights in its task of uprooting counter-revolutionary subversion ? As the founder of the Red Army, Trotsky was more than ready to do anything to ensure the success of the revolution and all his speeches (and his memoir) abound in ruthless and harsh statements about the fate that awaits those who oppose Soviet power.

I could google Cheka, Trotsky and torture, but I already know the answer. The (partial) opening of former USSR archives can provide the historian with all the necessary orders and directives relative to the treatment of suspects in Cheka prisons and detention camps and the information that is to be extracted from them. I'm certain waterboarding was only one of the methods used to extract said information from SR conspirators, disgruntled Tsraist officers and citizens suspected of involvement in counter-revolutionary activities.

I could spend some time investigating interrogation techniques used by the Bolsheviks from 1917 to 1924, and the degree to which Trotsky was informed of the methods used and his personal feelings towards torture (psychological and physical). However,I am engaged in researching "equality of opportunity in the US and Europe from the 1950s onward".

So I'll just repeat my quote : "Trotsky made extensive and unapologetic use of torture during the civil war, as he smashed all those plots (from Tsarist to left-SR) directed against the Bolsheviks." and assume that as a leader in time of civil war, Trotsky made use of torture. He didn't disapprove of the cheka, but believed in ruthlessness combined with incorruptibility.
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