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Marla: As I repeatedly pointed out, Leftists and progressives could do well to 
put aside the excessive indulgence with Jewish race. I  feel, Judaism is just 
another religion among many others is the world. The Jewish people are in no 
way special as compared to the Arabs, the Maori of NZ or Gonds of India.If I 
start talking about the racial superiority of Hindu Brahmins, who obviously 
outnumber the Jews, I will be labelled as  racist and casteist (in the Indian 
context). In India, no progressive person tolerates such an exclusivity.
Vijaya Kumar Marla

Suresh: Well, frankly, Leftists and progressives do not put aside their 
excessive indulgent preoccupation with the Jewish race, which of course does 
not exist, because many of them identify as Jews. Alas, since they're secular, 
atheist, Marxists!

I mean, listen to the discussion on Marxmail. I have read, and rarely commented 
on, this maillist for over a decade. 

And I respect every major commentator here, including the lists founders. 

However, it is clear, that without any bias or prejudice, the Jewish issue 
elicits emotional responses that are incongruent with the rest of the Marxist 
line on here.

I read several figures put forth in the last couple of days the idea that, 
well, anti-Semitism is perhaps not as pronounced as Islamophobia or anti-Arab 
prejudice but it must be forthrightly combated in case it should ever emerge as 
a major problem again. Fine.

But I look in vain for a serious investigation of Jewish racism towards 
non-Jews. Zionism in Israel and the diaspora is not simply an imperialistic or 
nationalist ideology, for anyone who is paying attention, but it also includes 
as a major or even dominant component a belief in Jewish superiority. It takes 
a peculiar set of ideological blinkers to condemn Zionism without castigating 
its major component: Jewish bigotry against non-Jews. And yet, I'm sorry to 
say, and perhaps understandably given 20th century history, most Marxists 
refuse to address Jewish racism towards other supposed races (of course the 
whole race construct is a sham!).

When the day comes that Marxists are willing to address this issue Marla, they 
will find that Jewish racism is at least as severe an issue today as 
anti-Semitism. This should be apparent by now, given Middle Eastern history. 
Eventually, the international working class, free of the myth of national 
identity - including Jewish identity - will deal with this issue in a 
forthright fashion.
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