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On 10/15/13 7:44 AM, Daniel Lindvall wrote:
Inspired (if that is a word to use in this context) by the awful new film "Captain 
Phillips" I'm working on a piece on the worst/most important falsifications of 
history in Hollywood cinema post-2000 for a Swedish weekly. To make it a bit more 
representative I'm polling my lefty film friends and colleagues. I would welcome 
suggestions from the list!

Daniel Lindvall

1. Zero Dark Thirty (Bin-Laden's killing)
2. Lincoln (zero Black involvement)
3. Fifth Estate (Assange from the POV of his bitter enemy)
4. Black Hawk Down (Somalis as land-based version of Captain Phillips's captors)
5. The Aviator (Hughes as OCD sufferer, but not as corporate thug)
6. The Butler (comic book version of the Black liberation struggle)
7. Invictus (rugby team as metaphor for ANC's rise to power)
8. The Blind Side (white woman teaches Black adopted son how to play tackle)
9. Hunger (IRA hunger strike seen through pretentious art film prism)
10. Amazing Grace (British abolitionist movement devoid of economic content)

Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
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