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It seems to me the international socialism movement is largely responsible
for its own demise. The disease is opportunism of many types. Uncritically
supporting the Soviet Union was part of it and then all the rest. Someone
just tweet one of my pieces but added his own comment. From Free

#*Syria* <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Syria&src=hash>: UN: Assad sarin
used in attacks | The Left's response? http://
... <http://t.co/LLBgSJoj58> (What Left? The Left is dead or become fascist)

Not without reason that many Syrian Revolutionaries feel this way. The
so-called "Left" has been the only section of the US population that has
actively opposed the revolutions in Syria and Libya and actively supported
fascism in those countries, so why should any Arab Spring revolutionaries
look to the Left for guidance? Ukraine has seen all the "communism" it
needs, certainly the Tatars have, and now much of the "Left" is supporting
Russian imperialism so why should anyone there be looking for Left

We have to clean our own stables first. For now, the revolutionary masses
will have to do the best they can without the leadership that they have
been robbed by opportunism, which has clearly become the dominate trend in
the "Left."

Under the conditions, I think they are doing quite well.


Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Marv Gandall <marvga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> On 2014-03-10, at 10:50 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:
> >
> > Marv, i don't discount inter-imperialist rivalries. Not in Ukraine, not
> in
> > Syria, Libya or Egypt. Not even in Occupy LA [RT was around a lot] I just
> > don't discount the mass struggle. In all the above cases, I see the mass
> > movement as the engine driving developments. It should be understood that
> > imperialist and other opportunists will always circle around movements
> like
> > these, trying to control them or destroy them, and to somehow find some
> > advantage in them. This will always cloud the picture of any real world
> > struggle but we should never lose sight of who is driving these
> > developments. This is what the non-interventions do.
> Fair enough. But do we support all mass movements without exception - even
> ones led by popular right wing groups and parties often viciously opposed
> to the values and institutions historically supported by the left?
> Notwithstanding that many of those who flocked to Maidan, as in all mass
> movements, were non-ideological when they joined the fray, in what way does
> the political character of the Maidan movement not fit this description?
> This is a recurrent question we never had to grapple with before the
> demise of the once powerful international workers' movement, when mass
> protests and uprisings were typically led by socialists of one stripe or
> another, and defining a position in relation to them was reflexive.
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