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A few random comments:

Shaun May wrote:

What are the historic roots of anti-semitism in Europe? In the feudal order in 
Europe, the Jews could not hold land in fief and were also excluded from the 
feudally-mediated Guild system of petty handicraft. This meant that they were 
forced to living by trade (such as hawking and tinkering) or by money lending 
(usury, money capital), buying and selling, etc. Trade and usury, as they 
developed, began to serve to undermine the feudal order itself, acting as a 
dissolving influence on it. 


I'm certainly not well versed in Jewish history, but would only point out that
Avram Leon, author of The Jewish Question, the only Marxist work on Jewish 
I know of (and the only book on Jewish history I've read with the exception of 
Isaac Deutscher's
essay ,The Non-Jewish Jew) offers a somewhat different account. Leon argues 
that Jews engaged in trade
not because they were excluded from land ownership and guild handicraft, but 
because they 
came to Europe as a trading people to begin with, emigrating from Palestine due 
to overpopulation,
and stepping into the place of the Phoenecians in the Mediterranean. I believe 
he would 
also dispute the idea that anti-Semitism was the result of the threat posed by 
Jewish commercial
activity to feudal relations. He argues instead that, with the expansion of 
commerce during the
second feudal age, non-Jews began to covet the commercial monopolies held by 
Jews, and therefore
sought to drive them out. I'm not arguing Leon's position, just pointing it out.


Are the apololgists for Ukranian nationalists on this listserve diecting their 
fire at RT because they
are unable to answer the actual arguments of those of us who are critical of 
the Maidan and the government
in Kiev? No one here is echoing Putin's demagogy to the effect that the interim 
government, or the crowds of 
the Maidan, are fascist. We are simply pointing out that all nationalist forces 
are pro-US/EU, that fascists 
play a definite role among them, and that they are not being opposed by any 
organized force.
Stop aiming at straw men!

Second, I think it's complete scholastic idiocy to argue that fascists aren't 
fascists because, unlike the fascists
of the 30s, there is no workers' movement for them to attack. Would you like to 
propose another monicker
for people who hate Jews, gays, immigrants and unions, and who make conscious 
use of Nazi symbols?
Would you argue that Anders Breivic isn't a fascist because he laid waste to an 
interracial social democratic summer
retreat instead of a union hall? Please! You are carrying on in the best 
traditions of the late Gerry Foley, who never met
an Eastern European reactionary he didn't like, and was never at a loss to 
distort Marxist concepts beyond recognition
to justify his predilictions.
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