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On 3/15 Louis Proyect wrote:

In the interests of transparency, Creegan speaks for the CPGB, a tiny 
sect in Britain that has attached itself to the SWP like a remora to a 
shark over the years. Politically, it has begun to resemble John Rees 
and Lindsay German's Counterfire recently. This business about "the main 
enemy is at home" was raised by the Stop the War Coalition that Rees and 
German run in coordination with people like Andrew Murray, a long-time 
Stalinist. It is basically the British counterpart to ANSWER.


In the interests of trasparency, allow me to point out that I have never read 
on the Ukraine by John Rees, Lindsay German, Andrew Murray or anyone associated
with them. "The main enemy is at home" is my instinctive response to Ukrainian
events, as it should be for anyone claiming the legacy of Lenin and Leibknecht 
opposed to that of Kautsky). Also for transparency's sake: I do not speak for 
the CPGB.
I write in their paper, the Weekly Worker, mostly on American affairs. As I 
have made 
clear in that publication, the views expressed in my articles are mine and no 
one else's. To their
credit, the editors have never attempted to change a jot of anything I've 
written. In fact, I disagree
with many of the CPGB's principal positions, as anyone reading the WW letters 
column over the
past several years will be aware. Louis's growing resort to guilt by 
association--with regard to
Marvin Gandall, and now me--is a convenient substitute for the substantive 
arguments he
seems unable to offer.

Jim Creegan

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