Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Instead of answering my question,
Proyect wrote:
Yeah, after you tell us how you came to describe the Tea Party as 
"turning on its big business patrons and threatening the interests of 
capitalism itself". Batty that.

I explained quite fully--in the article you quote from on the debt ceiling 
crisis of last year.
The last thing big banks and corporations wanted to see was the Congressional
Tea Party's threatened refusal to raise the limit on government borrowing. Such
a move would have destabilized the entire international financial order. This 
brought into the open long-brewing tensions between the Tea Party and corporate 
of the GOP--a conflict that has been escalating ever since.

I answered your question. Do you intend to answer mine, or respond with
more demagogy and mudslinging? (If, as I expect, the latter, you'd be 
well advised to sling some stickier mud.) 


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