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I've seen a number of rightists, including some far-rightists who have
vocally condemned, in stinging terms, the slaughter of people in Gaza. This
includes David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klansman who releases videos that get
quite a following condemning Zionism, the "Zio-puppets," the Jewish lobby,
Jewish power/privilege, etc. It also includes a handful of right-wing
extremists in Europe. Arguably, it also includes groups like ISIS or
apologists for the Syrian government, and so on. All of these groups have
issued excorciating criticisms of Israel and Zionism, in many cases
borrowing heavily from leftist, Marxist, or anti-war sources.

There are also more moderate anti-Zionist voices on the right, including
Justin Raimondo, antiwar.com, the Ron Paul libertarians, etc.

What should I make of them? Do their views about other topics negate their
support for Palestine? Does it even count as support for Palestine? Does it

And on the flipside, what should I make of "leftists" like the
Anti-Deutsch, or the AWL, or the US SWP, who have either engaged in overt,
extremist support for Israel, Zionism, and its US lobby, or at the very
least engaged in apologism by smearing critics who go "too far" as
"anti-Semites" and the like? And their continued influence in "leftist"
circles (including this one) in which there are people who are constantly
walking on eggshells about anything that could possibly be perceived as

I'm writing a piece about leftists and witch-hunting for anti-Semitism, and
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this issue.

- Amith
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